Bornhardt’s trip to Canada, April 1997
Subjects: Country Barr, Terry McLean, Sharon Larson, Prairie in Saskatchewan, Ryal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller Valley, Rocky Mountains, Manitoba Pool, Auditorium Theatre in Virden and Saddle Dome in Calgary.

Page 1. The Town Virden, Manitoba Canada.
Theatre, Manitoba Pool, St. Mery's Anglican Church, The Eternal Spring, Oak Lake, Swinging Bridge.

Page 2. The Country Barr:
"The Country Houstons Roadhouse"

Page 3. Arts by Terry McLean, Virden, Manitoba.
Walsh meets Sitting Bull, Spot Check, The station in Virden.

Page 4. The Prairie in Saskatchewan.
Arts by Sharon Larson.

Grain Train, Havest Sky, Once upon a Time.
Page 5. Interview of Peter.
Winther in Denmark, Calgary Flames, Saddle Dome in Calgary, Succer.

Page 6. Drumheller Valley and the Ryal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller.

Page 7. The Rocky Mountains and The Takakkaw Falls in Yoho Valley.

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© KEB: 26. April 1998.